02 May 2007

New Look

To the readers of this blog, I am happy to present my new look. Maybe I’m getting old, but I found the old format difficult to read. That green font thing just wasn’t cutting it for me. I like big black letters against a white background, and that’s how I’m going to write from now on.

It took a little doing, but I managed to get my links back after reformatting. I had a little trouble with my counter, but I think I’ve got it to where it should be. And speaking of that, I noticed that I get hits from all over the globe, which is really surprising, and not all together unpleasant. For those of you who do visit frequently, I would like to ask that you leave a comment, either positive or negative, or leave a note on my messenger thingy. I’ve changed the word identification feature for commenting, so you don’t have to type any gobbledygook in to voice your opinion.

So you know, as I revamped this page, I passed up the opportunity to use advertising to promote my blog. This may or may not be a mistake. Call me naïve, ignorant or even stupid, but I like to think that people read my ramblings because they like them, and not because I have ads on my blog. I mean, really, how often do you visit a blog and decide that it’s a really good idea to click on the “Get Rich Telecommuting!” ad instead of reading the content?

In the next few days, look for posts about:

1. Funny phobias
2. Apartment living
3. Porn then and now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy you!
Big black letters on a white background is MY idea.
The colour scheme on my blog thingy was/is driving me bonkers, so I've dipped my pinkies into the black and white world. And I love it. Now all I have to work out is how to get rid of that awful BROWN wallpaper, it is SO last year.

Dying to read your upcoming articles. Articles? yes I like that. Much better than essay.

Angie who thinks black type on white is a good thing. But not against brown walls.