16 February 2007


I have been smoking cigarettes regularly for 30 years. I know it's not good for me. I have quit several times, and one of these times, it will stick. I've tried the gums and rubber bands, and even the patch, which I'm sure would be more effective if i could stick it on my mouth. It's a tough habit to break. Non-smokers, though, naively think it's simply a matter of will power, and only weaklings allow themselves to be controlled. My retort? Basic training in an infantry battalion is a matter of will power, and I did that. Believe me, it takes more than will power.

But, I didn't start this essay to rant about me. I saw a commercial today for a nicotine gum, I think, or maybe it was a pill. In any case, the gist of the ad is this: "I've tried the gum (or pill) many times, and nothing seemed to work. That's because I (as if this were a an isolated case) have AN ADDICTION to nicotine". The demeanor of the actor implies that the addiction makes them special, unlike, say casual smokers, and that they need a special tool to help them overcome their unique problem. Fair enough. I'll admit it's an addiction. The funny thing, though, was that I saw this commercial during one of those idiotic voyeur shows like "Maury", (to which I find myself strangely attracted sometimes). The subject matter of the show was people with eating disorders. In particular, all the guests were morbidly obese. They were addicted to food.

I've gone without nicotine, and for the first few days, things can get pretty weird. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for every other person in the world going out of their way to piss me off. But food? How can you say you're addicted to food? That's like saying you're addicted to oxygen. I'm not picking on overweight people (there but for the grace of God go I), but is it really fair to say a person can be addicted to food? One can certainly eat too much, but we have to eat something.

I don't have to smoke, but I have to eat. The whole ordeal, with the commercial and the subject of the show seemed really incongruous to me. I'd write more, but I have to have a snack.

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