12 March 2007

Abducted Infants and Missing Editors

I have company, so I'll be brief. I have seen the film of the woman who abducted an infant in Lubbock, Texas. As it happened, every time I saw the tape, I was in a place where I could see a television, but couldn't hear the sound. The main points of the story were clear though; an infant was taken. Today, on a whim, I checked the status of the story, and saw that the baby has been found, and arrangements are being made to return it to the parents. The title of this short essay is a link to the story as reported from News 8 in Austin, Texas. Notice the last sentence of the story. Apparently, both the hospital staff and the channel 8 news team are asleep at the wheel and need to be alerted before any more damage is done.

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